MS-SQL script to generate update statements for rtrim and ltrim
Recently I did a bulk insert into a table from a CSV file and this data had trailing spaces. I didn't notice until some email addresses look like weren't valid.
I read this article which explains when the data is trimed or not
Since I had many columns to update I needed to find another solution to write/generate the update statements for "update table set column = rtrim(ltrim(column))"
I read this article which explains when the data is trimed or not
Since I had many columns to update I needed to find another solution to write/generate the update statements for "update table set column = rtrim(ltrim(column))"
declare @table_name varchar(150) = 'dbo.Member'
declare @stmt nvarchar(max)
set @stmt =
select '[' + + '] = rtrim(ltrim([' + + ']))' + ',' + char(10) + char(9)
dbo.syscolumns c
inner join dbo.systypes st ON st.xusertype = c.xusertype
inner join dbo.systypes bt ON bt.xusertype = c.xtype
where = object_id(@table_name,'U') and ( = 'varchar' or = 'nvarchar')
for xml path ('')
if @stmt is not null
set @stmt = 'update ' + @table_name + char(10) + 'set ' + substring(@stmt, 0, len(@stmt) - 2)
execute sp_executesql @stmt
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